LGBTQ Book Bingo 2024

Hosted by therainbowshelf

79 participants, 640 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Wednesday, 01 January 2025

Ready for the next round of LGBTQ+ Book Bingo? This is a casual, year-long bingo challenge. The end goal is usually a blackout bingo, but you're encouraged to celebrate each individual bingo as well!

Update: the bonus bingo prompts are here! Count any books from June - December for a bonus round of bingo! 

The rules: 
  1. Choose books by LGBTQIA+ authors or with LGBTQIA+ main characters/topics
  2. Count a book for only one challenge prompt
  3. Feel free to count books you’ve re-read 
  4. Have fun! 
  5. Check back close to June for bonus prompts that can be completed June-December

You can find the bingo card itself on Instagram (look for me @kenyazero, or find the #LGBTQBookBingo2024 tag), or on Litsy (look for me @KenyaZero, or find the tag #LGBTQ2024 or #LGBTQBookBingo)

Challenge Prompts