Reading the seasons: a year-long meditative reading challenge (24'-25')

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9 participants (6 books)

21 Dec 202420 Dec 2025


In this year-long reading challenge, you are encouraged to read a book deeply inspired by the seasons we are in when they happen. This is to connect to and medidate on the seasons. Those we favor or those we may wish were shorter. Lessons and baeuty are within all of them. I hope this reading challenge may offer more ways to enjoy the entire year as it circles.

  • The challenge begins December 21st, 2024 and lasts until December 20th, 2025. Starting at and ending by the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, swap books accordingly to your seasons!
  • Each book put up for this reading challenge is tied to a season or important astronomical event used in marking the passing of the seasons, the solstices. Equinoxes are also used as guidelines for starting points of some books, but does not have a work tied to them. If you desire to have additional books, you are free to add them to your personal challenge or as a "bonus book"! Please do not edit this one.
  • Each book include stories and essays about the season it is linked to.
  • You have approximately 2,5 months to complete each seasons read(s).
  • If you want to discuss any of the books, you can do so in this book club:

The reading order of the books are:
  1. Winter Solstice [Begins December 21st at the darkest day of the year]
  2. Winter [Begins Dec 22-]
  3. Spring [Vernal equinox @March 20th marks the beginning of spring]
  4. Summer Solstice [June, 25th, the longest day of the year] 
  5. Summer [Begins June 26th-]
  6. Autumn [Autumnal equinox @September 22 marks the beginning of autumn]

Challenge Books