Nonfiction 2024

Hosted by zeebookdragon

8 participants, 39 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Challenge hosted by @ Riveted_Reader_Melissa on Litsy.

Description from original post: "First, these are not the books you need to read…although if you haven‘t read them, I encourage you to read them. These are banned books, and they are banned for subject matter they contain that we find objectionable for some reason. Your challenge is to read a nonfiction book about a similar subject.

Example: Harry Potter “promotes witchcraft”… maybe a nonfiction book about witches or Salem, too dark for you…maybe a book about Wiccan beliefs. Or go a different direction, a book with an orphan.

Reading about anything helps us understand and understanding & empathy diffuses fear."

Challenge Prompts