Liberal Arts Degree DIY (Nonfiction)

44 participants (1,030 books)

01 Jan 202501 Jan 2029


Read the books commonly included in a four year long Liberal Arts degree at your own pace and find editions according to your own preferences! Nonfiction & Classic Fiction.

I tried to adapt several universities' syllabi for the degree into one grand reading plan, while adding equally important learning about other continents for a broader learning approach. The prompts include Philosophy, Theology, Sciences, Maths, Music, Law, and the Western Canon of literature as well as landmark classics of other continents. Don't forget to throw in a few other books for extracurriculars! 

Can't find a topic listed that matters to you? Add a book that shows the category obviously (a silly example is that a book called "Stickers" would tell me you think a prompt for stickers as a topic should be added) to the prompt "Topic of Your Choice".

Note on reading classical literature:  Some editions have extensive historical notes and photographs to help foreigners/modern readers to understand, some are basic translations, and you can choose which edition works for you. 

Note: this challenge is for fun, and I'm not associated with any university and can't help you get a degree. Feel free to share your own favorite books for the prompts to inspire others to broaden their reading! Additionally, feel free to watch plays or operas instead of reading them and mark off a book of that title if that better suits you (Example: you could mark Romeo and Juliet script book as read for Shakespeare, but watch it instead of actually reading it). For prompts that aren't plays or musicals you'd need an actual book, but you could use an audiobook instead of a print or ebook if that's what you prefer. Do this challenge however works best for you! 

Table of Contents:
Social Sciences marked as Prompt 1-23
Topic of Choice: Prompt 22
Theology: 27-30 (multiple entries share a number)
Mathematics: 31-39
History: 40-74
Law: 90-96
Politics: 100-108
Health: 110-115
Classical Liberal Arts: 120-132
Literature Roman, Medieval and Renaissance Periods: 150-180
Literature Enlightenment: 200- 221
Literature Recent Classics: 300- 324
Global Literature: 350- 361
Literature Poetry: 380- 383
Creative Arts: 400-406 
Literature & Social Sciences: 415-417 
Foreign Language: 420-423
Writing: 460-465
Classic Music 475-484 
Business: 500-504 
Philosophy: 650-653
Liberal Arts & Science: 720-725
Sciences: 750 - 781
Liberal Arts & Math: 800 - 803

The Table of Contents may be a few numbers off, it's surprisingly hard to number prompts and keep track of them in a TOC especially in such a big list so there will be some off numbers. There are also gaps in the numbers to leave room for adding suggested bonus topics,   so these gaps look scary but there are only about 300 topics not literally 800 lol. Using the "find in page" function of your browser is a much faster method to read the prompts on this page or to add a book to a prompt.

Challenge Prompts
