Star Trek Universe 2024

Hosted by berniemcbear

4 participants, 106 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The sci-fi series Star Trek started in 1966 and it didn't take long for books in the Star Trek universe to start being published with adaptations of the episodes by James Blish starting in 1967 and shortly after in 1968 the first original Star Trek novel, Mission to Horatius by Mack Reynolds, was published. 

With there now being 10 more Star Trek tv shows there are of course hundreds and hundreds of Star Trek books to choose from when picking one to read! 

This challenge is aimed at dipping into each of the different live-action Star Trek series (with the 3 animated series as bonus prompts) by reading books based on each of them - from The Original Series to the newest series Strange New Worlds.

Challenge Prompts