Read Jewish Joy

Hosted by bookly_reads

39 participants, 223 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Monday, 01 January 2024

 Happy New Year! I'm officially starting the #ReadJewishJoy challenge! ✨

🥳Who wants to read some Jewish lit in 2023? 🎶

❓Why? Judaism and Jewishness encompasses a thousands-of-years-old religion and cultures from around the world. Books give the depth needed to spread understanding. Also, it seems that whenever a book about Jewish people hits the best-seller list, it's either about the Holocaust or a memoir of someone who left their Jewish community. We seem to love tragic Jews and ex-Jews, but I want to widen that lens and celebrate the full Jewish experience. Joke books and cookbooks included!

📚 The NITTY GRITTY: I know folks are busy, so this challenge has NO minimum number of books you need to read. I recommend continuing the #readJewishJoy challenge until you find at least one book you really love. 

Needless to say, this challenge is for EVERYONE and absolutely anyone can join! I'm excited to see the books folks read and recommend. The spirit of this challenge emphasizes books that feature Jewish religion and cultures prominently, but the possibilities are wide-ranging. Please just respect the very loose criteria described above: no books in this particular challenge that are centered around the Holocaust or leaving Jewish communities. Fulfilling the prompts isn't required to do the challenge; they're just optional starting points.

🌈If you use the hashtag and tag me on Instagram, I'll share your posts!🥳

🌟Happy reading! 🌟

Challenge Prompts