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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
If you’re like me you primarily read fiction books. I want to change that in 2025.
Read 1 non fiction book for every month in 2025. You can follow the prompts for each month if you want, pick a prompt for another month, or ignore the prompts completely. So long as it’s non fiction and you are learning something new it doesn’t matter. These are just topics and regions I want to learn more about.
Read 1 non fiction book for every month in 2025. You can follow the prompts for each month if you want, pick a prompt for another month, or ignore the prompts completely. So long as it’s non fiction and you are learning something new it doesn’t matter. These are just topics and regions I want to learn more about.
Non fiction challenge 2025
42 participants (259 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
If you’re like me you primarily read fiction books. I want to change that in 2025.
Read 1 non fiction book for every month in 2025. You can follow the prompts for each month if you want, pick a prompt for another month, or ignore the prompts completely. So long as it’s non fiction and you are learning something new it doesn’t matter. These are just topics and regions I want to learn more about.
Read 1 non fiction book for every month in 2025. You can follow the prompts for each month if you want, pick a prompt for another month, or ignore the prompts completely. So long as it’s non fiction and you are learning something new it doesn’t matter. These are just topics and regions I want to learn more about.