I Spy 2024

Hosted by thearomaofbooks

25 participants, 887 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The goal of this challenge is to find these items on the covers of books you read.  The same book can complete multiple prompts.  They are divided by month, so you can either try to complete the prompts for each month during that month, or work on all of them for the whole year.  Each prompt will say [month]: [item].

Some of these are really difficult and some are really easy, so hopefully it will be a mix of feeling like you are making progress and feeling challenged!!  Feel free to interpret these as needed.

If an item is in quotation marks, it is referring to the word/s itself that must be found.  I.e. "A Novel" means you need to find those words on the cover, not a picture of a novel. Everything else can be interpreted as a word or an item.  So "dog" would be the word dog, while dog (no quotations) would be either a picture of a dog or the word dog.  

These prompts can also be found as monthly bingo boards (plus a few bonus boards!!) in this Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/194F-B5hCHpDSBfHiO5KnbYxoQmXgKJl-?usp=sharing

This challenge is originally a Litsy challenge, so if you are active there, feel free to tag either or both of the hosts: TheAromaofBooks and Clwojick  

Challenge Prompts