Casually-paced genre cycling

Hosted by hflh

9 participants, 97 books added

Starts: Saturday, 01 August 2020

Ends: Sunday, 01 August 2027

This is to help me keep track of genres/topics I want to cycle through so I don’t get stuck in a genre rut.

If it helps you too, feel free to use it, Anonymous Stranger! :) This will probably appeal to fantasy/sci-fi and classic lit lovers who are justice and sustainability oriented.

-No time limit
-One book can count for as many prompts as it fits 
-Any prompt can be stretched to fit your reading needs
-I’m trying to read a non-fiction book at least every 3 fiction books, emphasis on trying 
-Challenge resets when you’ve completed every prompt, but you can read multiple books under each prompt before this

Challenge Prompts