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I would like to read all of brandon sanderson’s cosmere universe. i have laid out the challenge in my preferred reading order based on many suggestions and much (spoiler-free) research on the connections between the series and books.
Challenge Books
Tress of the Emerald Sea
Brandon Sanderson
this is the book i read first before embarking on this journey, but to understand all the easter eggs brandy sandy has scattered in this book i may reread it again at the end of the challenge
The Hero of Ages
Brandon Sanderson
read the eleventh metal after this book
Brandon Sanderson
read the hope of elantris then the emperor’s soul after this book
Brandon Sanderson
read shadows for silence then sixth of the dusk after this book
Words of Radiance
Brandon Sanderson
read edgedancer after this book
The Alloy of Law
Brandon Sanderson
read allomancer jak after this book