Reading some of my out of control I-own-too-many-books TBR 2024

Hosted by confusedvicky

8 participants, 95 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The goal is to read one fiction book and one non-fiction book per month. The twist is that each book must meet the following criteria:
1. you already own this book
2. you owned it before 2024
3. you haven’t read the book yet

The bonus books can be fiction or non fiction but must also meet the three criteria above. I’m thinking it’ll be impressive to complete the main challenge, but who doesn’t like bonus goals?

If you don’t own enough unread books to complete this challenge, give yourself a pat on the back for being much more sensible and in control of your book buying than I am! Or very fast at reading, but still you’re not buying loads more books than you’re reading. Good job!

[Note: I’m not necessarily planning to stick to reading the books in the months they’re assigned to, the months are more of a helpful suggestion than a rule in this challenge, the main goal is to get through as much of our long term TBR as we can. But feel free to handle that however works for you.]

Challenge Prompts