Kats Booknerds- Read Your Shelf

Hosted by kamin8882

153 participants, 2401 books added

Starts: Wednesday, 01 November 2023

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

As readers, we all have so many books to read on our physical shelves, NetGalley shelves, and library shelves. We created this challenge to motivate us to read books we already own or that we have been putting off for a long time!!!

* Starts: November 1, 2023
* Ends: December 31, 2024
* There are 60 prompts (some repeated) to help you pick and read books you already have on your shelves.
* There are two templates you can use- a bookshelf style you can fill in with the prompts listed separately, or a bookshelf style where with book boxes you can use to add the book cover
* Books must be at least 100 pages
* Books must be middle grade or higher

 * books on your shelf now (physical, digital, or audio)
 * books you put on hold at your library before Nov. 1, 2023
 * arcs currently on your NetGalley shelf (new or backlist)
 * arcs you have requested before Nov. 1, 2023
 * gifts you receive during the challenge at any time
 * pre-ordered books you ordered before Nov. 1, 2023
 * audiobooks you have already downloaded or saved before Nov. 1, 2023, on apps like Audible, Scribd, etc.

* any books you buy AFTER Nov. 1, 2023 (physical, digital, or audio)
* arcs you request AFTER Nov. 1, 2023
 * library hold you place AFTER Nov. 1, 2023

WHERE TO JOIN (and where to get the templates) 
Step 1: Join KATS Booknerds-->   KAT’s Booknerds | Facebook
2. Step 2: Join Read your Shelf Event --> https://fb.me/e/3MXqj2iug
Join on IG -->  @katsbooknerds (comment on post to join IG chat)
4. IG Chat --> https://ig.me/j/AbbAdw-vXQGKmhdF/

If you have any questions about the challenge, books, or anything else please feel free to ask Kristin or Nicole.

Remember, this challenge is meant to help us read the books we have piling up all over the place so we can read new ones!

Challenge Prompts