Read The World

Hosted by journalwchiara

614 participants, 9004 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Want to travel the world without paying for a plane ticket? Come visit each country by discovering part of its literary tradition! To take part in this challenge, you must read at least one book written by an author from every country in the world. This challenge can be extra fun if you print out a map and colour it in as you go along or purchase a scratch-map.

The list of countries (1 country = 1 prompt) is taken from Wikipedia's article titled "List of Countries", which is a list of sovereign states, last modified on July 29th, 2021. The list starts with UN member and observer states in alphabetical order and continues with other states also in alphabetical order.

Challenge Prompts

12. Bahamas


13. Bahrain


15. Barbados


16. Belarus


17. Belgium


18. Belize


19. Benin


20. Bhutan
