Book Riot's Read Harder 2023

Hosted by lilcoppertop

35 participants, 770 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

NOTE: this is NOT an official Book Riot account. Just posting their prompts here for ease of keeping track. 

From the Book Riot website:
Now onto the challenge deets: it once again consists of 24 tasks (an average of two per month) that invite readers to explore settings, characters, formats, genres, and perspectives that might be outside of their reading norms. How you approach Read Harder is up to you: you might choose to read one book per task, or feed a few birds with one scone and count one book for multiple tasks. The point of the challenge isn’t to do the thing one specific way, but rather to to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Challenge Prompts