The Orwell Prize for Political Fiction 2023

Hosted by annrhub

12 participants, 8 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Boyd Tonkin, chair of judges for The Orwell Prize for Political Fiction 2023, said:

This is a list of finalists packed with vital, urgent stories delivered by hugely gifted storytellers. The eight novels we have chosen encompass the political life of people in society on many levels, and from many angles. From quests for sexual and emotional freedom, and the struggle for true fulfilment against daily prejudice and injustice, to the abuse of corporate power and the fate of the embattled Earth itself, their authors confront the deepest fears and hopes that drive individuals and communities today. They do so, just as George Orwell would have wished, not by preaching, lecturing or veiled propaganda but in engrossing narratives full of wonder, surprise, delight, tragedy and comedy. We hope that you read, and enjoy, all of them.”

Challenge Prompts