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Queer All Year

Hosted by bookingwithjanelle

While it is highly celebrated in June, the Queer community exists all year long and this challenge is created to support/encourage others to read more literature written by & represented people within said community. The goal is read 12 boo...

12 books | 5 participants

Indigenous Book Bingo Round 2

Hosted by ladyfromthemixedupdesk

Round 2 of @fromthemixedupdesk Imdigenous Book Bingo

25 books | 18 participants

Heritage / History Months Reads 2025

Hosted by jordanarroyo

Read a book that relates to a monthly holiday/designation (prompts are US based). Ex. Black History Month, Women's History Month, Pride Month, AAPI Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month

10 prompts | 17 participants | 77 books added

BIPOC Author Alphabet Challenge 2025

Hosted by alesiagalati

During this challenge, we will fill out the alphabet with BIPOC authors and books. See @WeReadSmut on Instagram for templates and to join the fun.

26 prompts | 13 participants | 10 books added

Diversify Reading 2025

Hosted by shelshey

I asked ChatGPT to combine PopSugar and Book Riot's Read harder prompts and distill into the 12 best. Ideally all of these should be from BIPOC authors. 

11 prompts | 15 participants | 54 books added