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5 Star Lifespan Challenge

Hosted by shellybomelly

Find a book published from each year of my life that I love and rate 5 stars (at the time I read it, even if I wouldn't rate it 5 stars today/in the future). There are also likely books I've read from these years that I feel/felt that 5 star fe...

34 prompts | 2 participants | 64 books added

April Challenge: Jumping through time

Hosted by mimi_kins

Read 1 book written in the 19th century, 1 book written in the 20th century, and 1 book written in the 21st century. 

3 prompts | 9 participants | 21 books added

Banned books 🤫📚

Hosted by estefizaga

This is a list of banned books i want to read at some point. Let's bring more attention to these books, specially in 2025. ✊🏻

3 books | 3 participants

Women’s History Month

Hosted by stephypotpie

Read only books written by women use the following promptsSci-fi written by women A feminist bookHealing focused bookLead character is a woman from a culture you don’t know a lot about. 

4 prompts | 4 participants | 2 books added

Seeking new perspectives/stories

Hosted by aliyailsa

This is exactly as the title suggests. Similar to StoryGraph’s big challenge, I want to challenge myself (and others if someone sees this) to intentionally read books that might require a little digging.

5 prompts | 2 participants | 18 books added