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Words in Title Reads
Hosted by hhm013
Based on 5 options of words in prompts, pick books to read and go till then end of 2025!!
25 prompts | 9 participants | 1 book added
Green Lantern Brightest Day and Blackest Night Tracker
Hosted by wolvenbolt
A tracker for the Brightest Day and Blackest Night comics by Geoff Johns. After reading Blackest Night, the story continues in three volumes of the Brightest Day.
4 prompts | 1 participant | 4 books added
Bobiverse Tracker
Hosted by wolvenbolt
A tracker for the Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor.
5 prompts | 1 participant | 5 books added
Read with Allison Holiday Bingo
Hosted by raindrops333
Not my challenge. Allison made this wonderful challenge, I just need a place to track my progress.
13 prompts | 6 participants | 42 books added
Discworld Tracker
Hosted by wolvenbolt
A tracker for the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.
41 prompts | 5 participants | 41 books added