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Llegir Catalunya / Read Catalonia

Hosted by jelenwalker

Què s'escriu sobre Catalunya? Fem un cop d'ull als llibres ambientats al territori i de ben segur que hi descobrirem històries increïbles! Dona preferència als llibres escrits en català i consumeix cultura local :)Disclaimer: L'organització ter...

9 prompts | 1 participant | 0 books added

The Alphabet of Nations

Hosted by katischr

Read a book for each country that is mentioned in They Might Be Giants' song "Alphabet of Nations"

24 prompts | 4 participants | 13 books added

Literary US Road Trip: the Northeast

Hosted by nahret

A, shall we say, rival platform put together a list of 51 books for every State plus DC. I like the list, so I'm reproducing it here by region. Since I won't be traveling to the US any time soon, I will content myself with this literary explora...

9 books | 3 participants

🌍 Read Around the World

Hosted by tobia

One book from every country. ‼️ Books count from authors BORN in this country not where the story takes place! Please take this serious so we can all find books for the prompts without the need to double check. Thank you.Come visit me on my blo...

196 prompts | 13 participants | 304 books added

Voci d’oriente

Hosted by amylynn87

Collana composta da 19 uscite

19 books | 1 participant