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Sterek Challenge - Teen Wolf Shipping

Hosted by kavickers1989

A little challenge for those of us who love the characters of Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf and may have fallen into the fanfiction world.You can use fanfic to fulfil any of these prompts or a book that fits. Just have fun with it 😊The bonus ...

15 prompts | 1 participant | 21 books added

Books of the best movies of all time

Hosted by salem0

The adapted works of top films from several lists. As per IMDB, screenwriters of America, etc. Doesn't include books that came out after the film or original screenplays. Not in order of ranking. 

10 books | 0 participants

Bungo Stray Dogs: All characters

Hosted by kestrelfire

This is me justifying spending hours making a complete list including all powers in the anime.https://docs.google.com/document/d/19X_DRL8JEquV5BeVhDRdOmJtAvY8caZKtNuIjOjBAi8/edit?usp=drivesdk

9 prompts | 1 participant | 56 books added

Barbie Pink TBR Bingo

Hosted by queencarolrules

A bright pink series of prompts to help you work through your TBR 

12 prompts | 9 participants | 42 books added

Literary References found in FRIENDS

Hosted by shrubbery144

books referenced in the dialogue or shown being read by characters in the tv series FRIENDS.

47 prompts | 4 participants | 48 books added