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O’ Death
Hosted by scholastic_squid
Death and dying, a history..Literature surrounding death often depicts cultural views at which time they were written so therefore fictional stories are included as well.
17 books | 5 participants
4 libros de no-ficción en 2025
Hosted by flyintothestorm
Este reto consiste en leer libros de no ficción.
4 books | 2 participants
Theology Around the World
Hosted by killahb94
This challenge was created with the intent to understand those who are different from us.
13 prompts | 5 participants | 14 books added
Read More Non-Fiction!
Hosted by madz7
Can be any non-fiction books! I personally just want to read more non-fiction because I personally read more fiction stories and I’m trying to read more non-fiction books. Whether it’s history or a memory read whatever you want and have fun!!!B...
25 books | 13 participants
Nonfiction Topics
Hosted by alanacca123
Inspiration to read different types of nonfiction books.
40 prompts | 16 participants | 134 books added