Randomize(ish) Your TBR - 2024

mollyb13's profile picture mollyb13 Host

139 participants (2,375 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


A fun way to tackle everyone's long TBR lists! Pull prompts at the beginning of each month so that you can catch any new books you've added to your TBR throughout the year (rather than pulling all your books in one go at the start of the year). One required and one bonus prompt each month so you can adjust to your reading volume.

I created this for myself because I have a MONSTER TBR and needed a fun way to get through some of it! Would love to see others join in :)

  • DNF's count!
  • If you end up with a book in a series and you have not read the previous book, generate a new number.
  • I based this on a TBR of 100+ books and using a TBR within StoryGraph
  • Your challenge, so make up any house rules you like! If you want to re-generate your number, go for it! If you want to be strict and use the first number generated, go for it! If you want to use this as a base to create your own challenge, go for it!

Challenge Prompts

1. January (178 added)

Let's start off the year with a quick win! Filter your TBR to books under 300 pages with a 'fast' pace. Generate a random number from 1 to the number of books on your filtered TBR.

2. January Bonus (138 added)

If you are anything like me you have a TBR that has been in the works for years! Mine started with my GR account 8 years ago. Reading tastes change over time and I know that I certainly haven't seen many of the books on my TBR for ages. So I suggest that for this prompt, make yourself a cup of tea/coffee, put some relaxing music on, and spend 30 minutes (or a time period that is reasonable for you) cleaning up your TBR in whatever way you like. Filter/sort in a way that makes sense to you and go through your list, removing books that you no longer have any interest in reading. 

After your pre-determined amount of time is up, sort your full TBR by 'Title: A to Z'. Generate a random number from 1 to the number of books on your TBR and select the corresponding book.

3. February (155 added)

Filter your TBR in the following way: under genres select both Erotica and Romance. Then generate a number from 1 to the number of books on your filtered TBR. 

If you have no books on your filtered TBR, then refresh your StoryGraph home page and of the four books listed in the 'To-Read Pile' section, choose the one that looks the most Valentines Day-ish to you. 

4. February Bonus (131 added)

Refresh the StoryGraph home page and from the four books shown on your 'To-Read Pile', choose the one that has the title with the fewest words.

5. March (137 added)

Filter your TBR to books with 500+ pages. Generate a random number from 1 to the number of books on your TBR. 31 days in the month, let's get one of those big books off the list!

6. March Bonus (116 added)

Filter your TBR to books that are under 500 pages (click both the <300 and 300-499 boxes on the filter screen). Sort your filtered TBR by ‘Latest Added’ and generate a random number from 1 to the number of books on your filtered TBR. 

Definitely don't want TWO 500+ page books from the challenge this month lol.

7. April (140 added)

Sort your books by ‘Title: A-Z’. Divide your total books on your TBR by 2. You may choose that numbered book on your list or one that is within 5 of your middle number. Ex: I have 942 books on my TBR. Divided by 2 is 471. Add or subtract 5 means that I can choose from book number 466-476 (a lot of counting ahead!). 

8. April Bonus (110 added)

Refresh your StoryGraph home page and choose a book from one of the four that pops up in the ‘To-Read Pile’ section. 

9. May (131 added)

Filter your TBR to books with 300-499 pages. Then sort these by ‘Title: Z to A’. Generate a random number from 25-75 and choose the corresponding book. 

10. May Bonus (98 added)

Sort your TBR by ‘Earliest Added’ and choose one of the first 5 on your list. 

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