
217 participants, 1,658 books

01 Jan 202331 Dec 2023


Hello book nerds! I am back with another queer book reading challenge!

I almost wasn’t able to put this together on time, but I wanted to continue the tradition and keep encouraging other readers to discover more queer and diverse books.

So for 2023, we’ll read queerly!

The goal, of course, is: to read books that feature and focus on LGBTQ+ characters and stories, and share these with others. Again, it doesn’t matter if it’s a new or upcoming release or a backlist title. As long as it highlights and/or celebrates stories and experiences from the queer community, it counts.

We have a book bingo and reading template to help you with this challenge. This year, we only have four special icons. I have to admit I was a little bit inspired by the fantasy genres or themes we are used to and how we’ve reclaimed them and made them queer. I’m talking about vampires, witches, pirates, and mermaids! I’ve noticed that there are books now that give us queer vampires and queer pirates (maybe I need something to read after OFMD ), queer witches, and queer merfolk. I want to explore more of these particular genres and I hope you discover some great reads through this challenge as well.

Mark your bingo cards and share them to your Instagram stories. Use the reading progress template to share and recommend your recent reads. I also appreciate you sharing photos and reviews on bookstagram or your blog. Just use the hashtag #ReadQueerly2023! Feel free to tag me as well! 

As always, I can’t wait to see the books you’ll be reading for this challenge. Once again, I hope this challenge will be able to remind you and encourage you to read queer books, uplift these stories and these voices. See you and your books in 2023!

Blog post/graphics here: https://enthralledbookworm.wordpress.com/2022/12/24/finding-euphoria-and-queer-love-in-our-flag-means-death/ 

Challenge Prompts
