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01 Jan 2023—31 Dec 2023
The Reading Challenge created for Romance Lovers!
The #HarlequinReadingChallenge will introduce you to new favorites and reacquaint you with the themes and authors you already love!
The #HarlequinReadingChallenge will introduce you to new favorites and reacquaint you with the themes and authors you already love!
2023 Romance Reading Challenge
41 participants (628 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2023ENDS: 31 Dec 2023
The Reading Challenge created for Romance Lovers!
The #HarlequinReadingChallenge will introduce you to new favorites and reacquaint you with the themes and authors you already love!
The #HarlequinReadingChallenge will introduce you to new favorites and reacquaint you with the themes and authors you already love!