Cover ColourAthon 2024

Hosted by rugbygirlreads

4 participants, 123 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

This readathon came about following a conversation with my friend Chelsea. 

The plan is to read one or more books each month that have a cover in that month’s colour. 

The cover can be all that colour or have a striking amount of that colour.

We want the readathon to be really relaxed so if you want to read a book with a Red cover in January it’s fine just record it in the month of that colour ie February.

All book prompts can be combined.

You do not have to complete the bonus prompts to complete the challenge, they are just there incase you want an extra challenge 😉

Most of all have fun 🤓📚😊 xx

#CoverColourAthon2024 on instagram 

Challenge Prompts