2022 UK Anti-racism challenge

Hosted by sllyllyd

25 participants, 206 books added

Starts: Saturday, 01 January 2022

Ends: Saturday, 31 December 2022

This challenge is created to assist white people in their anti-racism journey. 

Anti-racism is not just about specific anti-racist learning (although that’s definitely included!), it’s about de-programming yourself from a white-centred mindset in all areas of your life - business, hobbies, literature, etc. Instead, we are encouraging you to read BIPOC authors (BIPOC means Black, Indigenous and People of Colour). 

Here’s what you’re aiming for:
  • Reading 10-15 books across the year.
  • The authors from your readings lists shouldn’t be white.
  • The main characters shouldn’t be white.

(If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable that this might feel a bit “anti-white”, that’s a good reason to take this challenge!)

Prompts written by sllyllyd and ukdanae.

Challenge Prompts