The 2024 Romance Book Reading Challenge

44 participants (318 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


 A challenge by She Reads Romance Books. (clink the link to go to her challenge page)
" Read 12 Books in One Year!

The goal with this reading challenge is to read ONE romance book each month, for a total of 12 romance books for the year.

For this year’s challenge, I’m presenting two options for each month to guide your selections. Each month has a specific romance category as well as a fun reading challenge. Use either (or both!) to pick your book of the month. 
This is the fifth year of the challenge, but the underlying premise stays the same – read ONE romance book a month while having fun and exploring the genre.

That’s it! But of course, I have a few things up my sleeve to make this year’s challenge even more fun and exciting so read on to find out more. "

There are two Bonus challenges :
  1.  2024 Romance Book Trope Challenge 
  2.  2024 Romance Book Micro-Trope Challenge 

Happy romance reading !

Challenge Prompts
