Asexual Reading Challenge

Hosted by smartie_chan

60 participants, 169 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Read books that feature characters on the  asexual spectrum.

The asexual character in question can be anyone, meaning, it doesn't matter if the ace is the MC (Main Character), SC (Side Character) or LI (Love Interest). It only matters, that they are ace.

For this challenge, I'm excluding books, that are written by asexual authors and don't feature any actual ace characters.
I'm also excluding any and all non-fiction books.

A book may only be used for one prompt at a time unless it features multible ace people.
  • Aces Wild by Amanda DeWitt. The book includes an ace who's aro ace and an ace who's nonbinary and can therefore be used for both of those prompts.
  • Die A-Karte by Carmilla DeWinter. The book includes an achillean ace, as well as an aro ace and can therefore be used for both prompts.
If the book has only ONE ace who'se sapphic & nonbinary, then you're only allowed to use  it for one of those two prompts. 

Please don't include ace characters whose asexuality is only confirmed through the word of god (aka the author/s). There needs to be some kind of evidence for their aceness. They don't have to use the a-word to count though.  

Challenge Prompts