A review by blackorwa
The Garden of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran


In the book "The Prophet", the scene is set on the port town of Orphalese where Kahlil Gibran's protagonist Almustafa the chosen is about to depart for his hometown and gets mobbed by followers to give his last wise words to them.

In this book, it captures the arrival of Almustafa in his hometown and hot reception to his people whom he has been separated for 12 years. He continues administering his wise words upon his people and fellow mariners upon his garden where his mother and father are laid to rest.

The mode of conversation continues in the question answer format similar to The Prophet with expanded line of questions. In the end, his followers find Almustafa to be cryptic in his answers and abadon him for that sea that is boundless and formless. Almustafa resigns to his aloness and solitude consumes him.