A review by jugglingpup
Love Beyond Body, Space & Time by Hope Nicholson


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I got an ARC of this book.

Like any anthology there are stories that are amazing and some that just don’t do it for me. There were stories that were so fantastic I would have read full length novels of them without blinking like they were than engrossing.

One of my favorite stories has a bunch of dogs, which if you know me is the exact way to get to my heart. The dogs were a great way to get the love story going. It allowed an older woman and a younger woman come together in a way that I wasn’t expecting. I love seeing older women getting love stories and getting the spotlight. It is so rare that the media wants to show that, that when I find a story or a show about that I am beyond excited. That story was my favorite in the anthology by far. The cute interactions with the dogs didn’t hurt either.

There were so many stories that featured queer love and even more that featured gender as a focus. So many trans women and two spirit people. My heart was going to explode from all of the representation love I was experiencing. There was one story that didn’t quite sit well with me, but I think it comes more from my own issues of being told that I shouldn’t medically transition. The story seemed to be more about the different paths to being a woman and coming home to being yourself, but my mind latched on to the idea that a medical transition was wrong as one of the themes. It was very clearly not the theme by far, but it was a knee jerk reaction from my own transition. So please keep an open mind when you read these stories, they don’t play out the way you would expect and they are so much more complex than I hoped for.

I am not a big sci-fi fan, but this anthology made me want to read more. It isn’t so sci-fi it loses me. Instead it solidified this idea of speculative fiction for me. It was a mixture of everything and finally made that genre have flesh for me instead of just being thrown around by smart people around me talking about it. I am definitely a fan of speculative fiction. I heard a rumor that this editor was putting out a new book and that there would be one of my favorite author’s stories in it. I can’t say if this is true or not, but the chance that it is true makes me really excited. So I highly suggest keeping an eye out for more collections edited by Nicholson and suggest you grab a copy of this book.