A review by elusivity
The Copper Heart by Sarah Painter


I read Book 1 to Book 5 in the space of one week. The experience is like reading a single, albeit episodic, book. The tone is smooth and serviceable, the characters are reasonably interesting without any one standing out particularly, the plot zipped along without being overly complex. The mysteries are barebones, but generally ok. These are fun reads, but entirely unmemorable.

I think this impression is due to the absence of clear character arcs that would have marked the passing of time.

Lydia's rise in the Crow family has been inexplicable, given she was raised on old stories only withno knowledge of either the magical nor criminal aspects of her Family, yet here she is, brashly hitting up one head of these magical Families after another, with only 1 year's PI training behind.

I don't understand why Fleet feels such insta-love for her, apart from sexual attraction, since she either pushes him away or hit him up just to ask for favors, moreover favors that endangers his career.

Jason's arc seems to be (1) growing in solidity; (2) learning to become a computer genius; and, (3) inexplicably wanting to do whatever he can to help Lydia. Doesn't want to know his past. Doesn't want to find out what happened to his wife. Etc.

All these could have their own individual explanations, but none are found clearly delineated in the novels, and their collective effect renders characters insubstantial and the world thin of relevant people. If I read on, it will be plot development alone. I can't manage to care about how any of these people will fare.