A review by mallikadesai
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones


When I picked this book up, to be honest, I just picked it for its cover - attractive, mysterious, and the first decent book I could get my hands on. As I read this book, I discovered that not only the cover, but the writing was exquisite. Each page made me want to quote it. Here are some of my favorites:

“Love is the bridge that spans the world above and below, and keeps the wheel of life turning.”

“Life,” he said softly, “is more than flesh. Your body is a candle, your soul the flame. The longer I burn the candle...” He did not finish.
“A candle unused is nothing but wax and wick,” I said.“I would rather light the flame, knowing it will go out than sit forever in darkness.”


My main reason for reading this book was its beautiful writing, which sounds sappy and was something I've never done, but trust me, its worth it. However the plot line was mystical, dimensional, and dark. The characters were of the likes that I have never heard before, and although I'm not sure I will read the sequel, it is a must read for avid readers. Wintersong "plucked my heartstrings" and I hope it will do the same to you.

By the way, I am not a huge fan of romance books but as I stated above - it is a must read.