A review by missawn
Crash & Burn by Abigail Roux


Somebody called the Cut & Run (C&R) series the crack cocaine of m/m and I would have to agree! What a spectacular, heart warming ride this nine book series is. Ty and Zane captured and held my heart throughout -- I laughed, I cried, I sighed and I did not want to let them go when it was all over. I loved every beautiful, tender, funny moment with them -- and because of them, this series will always have a special part in my heart.

Each book in the series built on the last one, weaving together into a lovely, charming love story that just melts the heart in a fast paced world that twists and turns, and simply thrills. The last book of this series had a lot to live up to (all 8 previous books are good) and for the most part, the book ended the series well. I was glad that many of the well loved characters from previous books made an appearance and that was a lovely homage to the wonderful supporting characters in this series including the Sidewinder gang and Ty/Zane's family (Chester! Oh how I love him!).

At the end of the day, the magic is simply in how Ty and Zane's relationship evolved and how wonderfully balanced it was between the tender, the funny, the sad, and the bad-ass awesomeness -- there was just he right amount of angst and tension to keep it from becoming too syrupy sweet -- and I developed a very real emotional connection to both their stories. Ty and Zane are absolutely brilliant.

The plot line (in pretty much all the books) tended to border on crazy/outlandish but I didn't care ... this is meant to be entertainment and it works if you don't take it too seriously (because it is just fun). I must admit, I didn't want to let go ... after burning through the first 8 books at lighting speed ... I found myself lingering on the 9th book just to make it last just a little longer. Now that it is over, I'm comforted in knowing that there is the Sidewinder Series Book 3 scheduled to be released later this year (that reunites the Sidewinder gang), and I look forward to re-reading this series again ...