A review by mcreed06
A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter by William Deresiewicz


This Golden One-Way ticket to an elite Austenite Society was found at a garage sale of all places! The book cover caught one’s eye, and it was essentially the discovery of treasure.

William Deresiewicz opens my eyes to what is so special about Jane Austen, and I'm now in awe. Jane Austen was very unusual in that she had a front row seat to high society, and rather than let it faze her, she used that position to make observations so astute that they border on genius. Jane Austen was not well traveled but she was one of the worldliest people who ever lived.

Having read this book, I can discuss Jane Austen with the best of them, however no Austenite would accept me into their exclusive membership because Pride and Prejudice is the only Austen I have read.

Sense and Sensibility might be my next Jane Austen. However, that will be awhile as I have a stack of other books to read! Such is the life of a reader!

Another note: The last page of A Jane Austen Education is the best last page I have ever read!