A review by whatcha_listening_to
Detecting Lust: an erotic detective novel by Mikey Lee


5 Lusty Stars

Soooo I try and make notes of things I want to talk about in my review… this is my note.
“What a breath of fresh air.” - I have NEVER written those words about a book. I have read A LOT of books.

I don’t know if it was the fact that Seth is married and actually LOVES his wife. I know right! No one writes that in romance or the fact that he is married and there is NO cheating going on. Hallelujah!!! He actually LOVES his wife.. I know I said that already but it needed to be said again.

So not only is Seth like my newest book boyfriend but I want to be friend with his wife Zee!! I can be an Ashley only not so flirty and just admire him from a far. *bats eyes* Please lol. To her credit she doesn’t know his is married… Or at least I don’t think she knows.

I have to say even though it ended and I actually chanted “No, No that can’t be it.” This is going to be a book I re read and that’s saying something because I am an audiobook nut job. Eye reading takes me FOREVER. But this book, soo worth it!

Ok I feel like I didn’t even talk about the book just my thought and feelings… Well that’s what the blurb is for right ;) Read this book you won’t regret it.

Seth is most defiantly the man I want on the job so we need MORE, MORE, MORE.

*All my Reviews are 100% honest and my own.*