A review by martyfried
Arctic Drift by Dirk Cussler, Clive Cussler


I enjoyed this book. Although not great literature, it was interesting, suspenseful, and hard to put down. Most of Cussler's books are fairly simple, but suspenseful, and so are an easy read. I thought this was the best I've read so far of his books - a bit more complex and suspenseful than the others. My ratings are not absolute, but usually relative to the genre I feel it fits into, so keep that in mind.

I read a lot of books like this, while exercising or just relaxing. I can sit on my stationary bike for an hour or more while reading - sometimes even while exercising. :-)

The book had a little tie-in with another book I read a while back, "The Terror", by Dan Simmons, who is an author I like a lot.

If you like the sort of book that's easy to read, where to good guys seem to always win, then you may enjoy this or other Cussler books.