A review by stevegreene
Everything Matters! by Ron Currie Jr.

A book that defies star ratings for many reasons (not only because something that predicts the 2016 World Series is unquantifiable just by itself). Rare is the book that fully takes advantage of a multi-narrator gambit, but having one character with a knowledge of The End questions how alone he really is.

The audiobook is really shrewdly cast, with Arthur Morey giving a profound and weathered performance as John Senior that’s as good as anything you’ll hear.

This is a book that gets a little clever for its own good with little touches along the way, but good gracious is that last third the kind of wallop you savor. Similar to the feeling of reading two recent favorites whose titles would be a spoiler of sorts (take a scan through my five-star ratings from August 2019 and August 2020 and you can probably figure it out), but paired with those I wonder if I’m just an easy target for a certain subgenre filled with characters with a certain gift/curse.

Can’t make any promises, but there’s stuff in here with the *potential* to be life-changing, if you’re willing to meet it on its own terms, whether you see the means to an end as gimmicks or not.