A review by tiffiny
Promises of Mercy by Vella Day


I'm writing this review before I've finished the book. I'm 80 pages in and I feel like nothing can change my opinion of this book.

Here's the bad news: choppy. It's the only way I can think to describe how this was written. Short, choppy thoughts and sentences. Nothing, absolutely nothing, flows. At all. The conversations, the thoughts, the actions, the whole plot....has no flow. I've also encountered way too many actions/thoughts being added AFTER they were originally to take place. It's like the author didn't plan anything. At least go back and insert the thoughts where they should be, maybe not all but some.

The book had a recipe for success if it'd had been executed better, planned a bit better and maybe a bit of tlc.

The good news is that I'm actually not completely turned off from this author. I saw no grammatical errors and I could see the obvious potential. I'll look into a different series by this author and give it a go.

This one, though, is a definite dud.