A review by slferg
The Fashion in Shrouds by Margery Allingham


I enjoy these Albert Campion mysteries. I watched them on TV several years ago (probably on PBS from BBC). Albert is an unassuming, quiet man. He is from a titled family which has disowned him and his sister since they have gone out on their own and work and do things not accepted in "the county". He is good friends with Superintendent Oates of Scotland Yard who is very different from him. The mysteries are fun and interesting. In this one, he gets engaged to a girl designing and working at an airplane factory. She is also from a titled family. She joins him to get him to get her boss' mind back on his work and off of an actress. The engagement comes about as an explanation for her presence. And everyone is thrilled about it. But Campion has just found a former fiancee of the actress who has been missing for 3 years - and he is dead. Then, while he's working on other things about the case, the actress' current husband dies. And the actress implicates his sister, a fashion designer. The current interest of the actress is the airplane designer and Amanda's boss, who was involved with Val (Campion's sister) before the actress took notice. Then a model with a marked resemblance to the actress dies. It gets rather sticky.