A review by ameserole
Ten Rules for Faking It by Sophie Sullivan


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm not going to lie. Ten Rules for Faking It was cute in all kinds of way. It's just.. that.. the romance was so SLOW sometimes that I just didn't care anymore at a certain point. Maybe it's just me or maybe it's because its new years eve. But pace is such a huge factor into getting intrigued in a book. Again, it could be me but that pace was just off when I was reading it.

The one thing it had going was that.. it was just cute. Just cute. All kinds of cute. The thing that killed me was how cute it was and how nothing else seemed to really happen. Yeah, it had it's funny moments here and there. Plus it had drama.. like almost every other contemporary book out there. The pace just killed it for me. Sometimes slow burning things help me and the book - it just didn't work for me this time around.

I tried. I liked it. That's about it.