A review by melindamoor
Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties by Camille Pagán


2.75 stars

I requested this ARC, because I found the title intriguing and that alone made me think and reflect on Things-In-Life.
Despite the cover blurb revealing the gist of the story, I was somehow hoping for more... more depth, layers, insight, inner journey. So maybe it was a mistake on my part to start reading with these expectations in mind, but I couldn't help them, they were there and unfortunately they were not met. Pretty much everything was kept close to the surface.

This does not mean that the book was bad, not at all. It was a nice read altogether with an OK, but very generic story. There is not really anything to make it stand out among the others of its kind. It is about how a woman in her fifties has to start life all over again, re-discovering herself in the process.
When it came to her travel to Rome, I started to get nervous, getting some very unwelcome [b:Eat, Pray, Love|19501|Eat, Pray, Love|Elizabeth Gilbert|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1503066414s/19501.jpg|3352398]-vibes (am not a fan of that book, in case you are curious). I think the author must have been conscious of this herself as there was a direct, tongue-in-cheek denial about it.

The writing was good, but bland and did not really help me connecting to Maggie.

Closing conclusion: if you are in need of some hen-lit, go for it, just don't expect anything earth-shattering.

ARC received by the Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.