A review by colossal
The Way Into Magic by Harry Connolly


The middle entry of the series, but still a satisfying one.

The first book left both Cazia and her companions and Tejohn in pretty nasty situations but resolves both handily and relatively believably. The menace of the Blessed grows apace, and it's hard to think that anyone is going to be able to do anything to stop them. The Blessed are such an insidious concept for a fantasy villain, and they're only the front end of the threat that the whole of the world is facing.

Tejohn is competent as always, but this one is Cazia's book. All three of the young girls, Ivy, Kinz and Cazia grow immensely throughout the book, but are still written true to their ages. There's lots of naivety on the part of Ivy who is only 12 and Kinz and Cazia bicker like the teenage girls they are even though all three develop deep relationships between them.

Like the last one, the main characters are in major new situations at the end of this one. Looking forward to seeing how it all wraps up.