A review by falconerreader
In Your Shoes by Donna Gephart


In terms of my own interest, 3 stars.
In terms of how strongly I'd recommend it to the intended audience, 5 stars.
So, 4 stars averaged.

My favorite aspects:
Mr. Schu is a real person, and even though I've never met him, I recognized him instantly and thus felt very in on the joke.

I am always easily charmed by different approaches to narrative, so I loved that not only did we get two points of view, we also got authorial asides and a fairy tale being written by a character.

I was caught short by the authorial aside that notified the reader that after a huge loss, that pain is reawakened when you observe other people going through a similar loss. SO TRUE. I went to the funeral of a guy I'd only met once and was a MESS because the family's pain brought back my parents' deaths so strongly. But also, as Amy figures out, having gone through it yourself gives you the courage and know-how to comfort others instead of hiding from their pain.