A review by labunnywtf
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga


Who am I? I'll tell you. I'm the local psychopath. And if you don't save my best friend's life, I will hunt down every one you've ever cared about in your life, and make you watch while I do things to them that will have you begging me to kill them. That's who I am.

I've had this book on my to-read list for awhile. Barry Lyga is a name I hear a lot via other YA authors. They have this whole group of YA authors who are BFFs, which I love*, and Barry is apparently a very popular man. I've read one other book by him, but when pressed, couldn't remember it until I looked it up on GR.

Finally decided to give this a shot. Hoping for the best, wincing for the worst.

Oh, man, is this so so good.

This is the YA version of Dexter. And when I say Dexter, I mean the show, because the book series is awful. If you watched Dexter and want to read a similar book series, right this way.

Jasper isn't Dexter, though. Jasper is an absolutely fascinating young man raised by a psychopathic serial killer. A super serial killer, no less. And now he lives with his literally and figuratively crazy grandmother (the mother of said serial killer, you should all know how well that turns out), stalks the cops because he wants to solve crime, fights off his inner psychopath, is friends with someone who bleeds when you look at him too hard, and thinks people en masse seem way too expendable.


I mean, he's one scuffed heel away from mass murder, but I LOVE HIM.

There's a big whodunnit factor running through this book, but truth be told, it's boring and extremely predictable. That's not what this book is about. This book is about Jasper, and his overwhelming, gripping fear that he's going to end up just like his father.

He spends the entire book worrying about this pervasive feeling that soon, he's going to end up murdering people, exactly as his father did. A fear his father even plays on, talking about how when his own father died, it was the catalyst to his start.

This read is just so compelling. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

* Although I wish some of them were a little more selective of their friend group. ::cough::