A review by twinpharmer
Upper Bohemia: A Memoir by Hayden Herrera


This memoir is a unique look into the eclectic childhood of Hayden Harrera and her sister Blair. As children of “bohemian” parents in the 1940s, both girls learned how to fend for their own in multiple boarding schools while their parents were shuffling through multiple spouses. With each new marriage (five for each parent!), came a new city, a new house, a new school. Hayden was on the never ending quest for her parents’ attention and affection, although most of the time receiving the opposite. •

I appreciated that the author kept her tone neutral throughout, allowing the reader to form their own opinion on the parenting style she was subject to. The sentences felt short and direct, although at times it felt as though I was reading through a child’s point of view: jumping from one description to the next without pause. I never felt a deep connection to Hayden or her stories due to the detached style of storytelling, but this memoir was compelling nonetheless. Fans of #TheGlassCastle would enjoy this book!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.