A review by hyperashley
More Than Music by Elizabeth Briggs


This was a quick, easy and fun read for me. It got my attention with the first chapter and held my interest until the last, which is an accomplishment. I love the whole rock star love thing and especially when it's with the awkward, nerdy girl - which come one would never happen in real life.

Maddie is a geeky music major in college, one of her best friends, Kyle is in the band Villain Complex. When the bassist of the band leaves them high and dry the day before an audition to be on the show, The Sound they scramble for help. Jared, the sexy lead singer asks Maddie for help. She is reluctant at first but agrees to join their band and change her life forever. The one rule is for Maddie and Jared to not get together, so will they be able to keep their love a secret? Or will they ruin everything to be together?

I am so into all of this rock star love stuff, this is how I imagine a rock star life being - kind of. I absolutely loved Maddie! I loved how geeky she was and how incredibly awkward she was too. Though, come on, would she have really been able to land a rocker with that much awkwardness in her. She was a big bowl of awkward at first, and while it was cool seeing her change and get more confident it was still hard to read at times. I also loved all of the guys, they each had good parts and I don't think it would have been the same without them.

I liked all of the music that was involved, without actually singing the music on the pages. I can't tell you how much I don't want to have to read lyrics all the times just because it's being said. It almost put me in the mindset of a rocker and I can't say I've ever had that before. It was really cool, and now I want to think in songs like Jared and Maddie did.

Even though this is the first in a series each book is focused on different characters. This one was obviously about Jared and Maddie and the next one is about Hector, I believe. I probably will continue the rest of the series even though it won't be the rocker love story anymore, I still think it will be awesome.