A review by tynga
Early to Death, Early to Rise by Kim Harrison


Madison is now the official Dark Timekeeper, but the rules already set in stone don’t quite cut it for her and she is determined to change things. While still trying to find her body, she will work with Barnabas, former Light reaper and Nakita Dark reaper to try change the fate of those meant to do terrible things, and save their lives – and souls – in the process. Impossible task made even harder by Paul, rising Light Timekeeper, and his mentor Ron who are mind-set to ruin Madison’s attempts.

I really liked the second book in this series. Madison is trying to learn her new timekeeper role along with the abilities that comes with it. She will do some faux pas, but she is strongly determined and won’t let a little – ok HUGE – trouble get in the way. Nakita is so lovely. She is trying so hard to fit-in and understand Madison’s reasons to try and prevent scythe. She can’t quite grasp what’s going on but she really wants to help Madison. She is also constantly fighting with Barnabas, which is quite funny. Paul might also because an interesting character, so I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen next with him.

While I liked the plot and how it wrapped-up, I found myself craving for more. Early to Death, Early to Rise is only 228 pages long, which is quite short. I was hoping to see Madison master more skills, but the entire book happens in like 24hours, so it doesn’t leave much room for that much progress. I was also sad to not see Josh in the story. He appeared in only two scenes and I really wanted to see some romance between Josh and Madison.

The bright side is there is still one more book planned in this series, so maybe my hopes will come true in the next book.

The lore of this series is quite amazing and original, so if you haven’t started it yet, I strongly suggest you start with Once Dead, Twice Shy. Harrison’s jump from adult novels to young adult ones was a success, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!