A review by charms1976
Can't Buy Me Love by Molly O'Keefe


I am still laughing at the plot of this book. I don't know if it was the writing, the characters or the whole scheme that has me shaking my head in displeasure with this read.

I had a really hard time getting into this story from the first page. It felt forced, the characters were one dimensional, and there was hardly any spark between the two main characters. I knew about 50 pages into the story that it was not going to get much better. Even with the story problems and such, I kept reading hoping for the best.

I still cannot remember one thing I liked about this book. Oh wait! The cover has to be my favorite thing. Those peek at me abs were very sexy, but the romance inside was not. This is true to the saying of don't judge a book by its cover. The story was boring, the characters still didn't have any type of personality by the end and left this reader wondering what the heck I read.

Overall, this one was a failure for me. I did finish the story but it left me with no excitement for a follow up in the series.