A review by papercranestitches
The Paramedic and the Writer by RJ Scott


I found the first half of this book to be quite enjoyable. I liked the characters, there was some action, good pacing, etc. Having read several other books in this series and found them fairly underwhelming, I was surprised to find that this one was heading towards a 4-star read for me. YAY!

But then, somewhere around the half-way mark, it went a little off the rails. I found myself bored reading about their first date and resentful of the way that Mikey's subplot intruded on Ian and Jamie's story. It would have been fine if Mikey's beating advanced Ian and Jamie's story or relationship in any way, but I didn't feel like it accomplished anything new (and because of this, it felt gratuitous). From then on, it was as if the characters lost a little of that intense instant connection - that spark - that had been building so deliciously in the first half of the story/ The author allowed the minutiae to take over and I could literally feel my enthusiasm for the story dying a slow death.

Bottom line: by the end of the book, when the character's romance should have been heating up for a lifetime of love, passion, and laughter, I barely felt a sizzle.