A review by beckymmoe
Falling for the Groomsman by Diane Alberts


I am loving this series so far--can't wait for school to be over (so close! SO CLOSE!) so I can read the last two books with a clear conscience :)

Falling for the Groomsman is the first book in the series after the prequel novella [b:Dare to Resist|21902207|Dare to Resist (Wedding Dare, #0.5)|Laura Kaye|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398135016s/21902207.jpg|41196826], but as all the stories are occurring simultaneously, reading order after the novella isn't terribly crucial. Each book so far has given hints and glimpses into the h/H of the other novels, but they've stayed away from major spoilers, and each story stands alone just fine.

Tyler, the "groomsman" of the title, is the older brother of the bride (Kady). Christine, a bridesmaid, is a longtime friend of Kady's, making this story--ta da!--an example of best friend's older brother troupe! They've also got a past beyond the you-hang-with-my-annoying-younger-sister one, because eight years earlier while on a trip to Mexico the two slept together. He was-unknowingly ahead of time-Christine's first, and once he realized it he bolted. And...they pretty much have avoided each other ever since.

Enter a destination wedding with every second of the week's activities planned by maid of honor Julie ([b:Baiting the Maid of Honor|22075855|Baiting the Maid of Honor (Wedding Dare, #2)|Tessa Bailey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1399943710s/22075855.jpg|26626662], and you know that these two are going to be thrown together. A lot. Let the chemistry ensue!

This book read very quickly. Once Tyler aplogizes for his earlier behavior, he pretty much gains the reader's sympathy and holds on with all of his I've-got-a-six-pack-and-I'm-a-doctor glory. He apologizes and sets out to make amends, and it's pretty much oooooh, yeah! from that point on as far as this reader was concerned.

Christine definitely has reasons for her resentment, but she does take the "I need to get back at Tyler for the last eight years of my life" a bit further than seemed strictly necessary. Still, she comes around in the end (after an awesome romantic guesture by Tyler, naturally) so all is forgiven.

Really, though, it was hard to be too upset with her when she had internal dialoge like this running through her head:

“She bit down on her lower lip, just like the heroines always did in her books. Hopefully it actually looked more sexy temptress than hungry zombie looking for flesh.”

(She apparently doesn't quite get the temptress look down at this point, in case you were wondering-which makes it all the more harder to hold a grudge.)

Falling for the Groomsman kept me turning the pages when I absolutely should have been getting work done this past weekend. 4 stars / B+ rating.

I recieved a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.